Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday {in focus} ~ Extreme Fire Danger

Imagine our disappointment as my husband and I drove up to this sign. We'd planned to take a driving tour of the mountains north of Albuquerque, NM. We had our day's hopes set on spotting wildlife, seeking panoramic views, and attempting not to lose our breath at higher altitudes. We expected to see the glory of God that day.

But nature had other plans. Due to the lack of rain, the road through the national forest was closed. We faced the warning: EXTREME FIRE DANGER.

Have you ever faced a time in life when you had plans that fell through? You'd laid out all the groundwork, but the project was a no-go. You'd planned your trip, but a family emergency ended it before it began. You'd gotten acceptance letters from every college you'd applied to, but you never got to attend.

What about those times in life when you were tempted by something that looked awesome, but you had to choose another route? You've been offered a huge promotion at work, but you know your second option is the one you need to take. You've been planning to move to one city, but God calls you to another. You want to write that best-selling novel idea, but you know you're supposed to write your memoir.

It's times like these we need to heed God's warning: EXTREME FIRE DANGER. It's times like these we need to recognize God's call on our lives to take the straight and narrow path. We need to recognize that His plan for us far exceeds our own. We need to turn around and drive in the other direction, avoiding the possibility of being trapped in a fire we can't get ourselves out of.

Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm; For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; Its flames are flames of fire, A most vehement flame.
~ Song of Solomon 8:6

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts here at My Thoughtful Spot! I love hearing them!