Friday, February 18, 2011

From the Overflow - A Daytime Date

Every now and then my husband will have Friday off. Today is one of those days. 

One of the nice things about working from home is it's easy for me to take the day off, too. And we can spend it together.

Since the kids are in school, it also affords us the opportunity to go out on a Daytime Date.

So today, we'll be heading off to Augusta to enjoy our time together. We'll be browsing the bookstores (my favorite thing to do) and dining out (on the cheap). 

Tomorrow we'll load our family into the truck and do something he enjoys. We'll go to the local gun show. 

If you have the chance to go on a Daytime Date with your spouse, I highly recommend you take the opportunity! Spend some time together, alone, focusing on one another and holding hands. You'll treasure those moments in years to come. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Alycia,

    Yes, these are treasured moments. We were so busy when the children were little that we didn't take these moments often enough, and we are certainly enjoying this new season, now that they are old enough to supervise themselves!

    I just found your blog, and I had to laugh when I saw this post, because I just posted a 'Date Night' blog today!

    'Tis the season!



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