Monday, April 5, 2010

"The Marriage Project"

Hey everybody! I have some very exciting news! My husband and I have been given the awesome and incredible opportunity to begin teaching marriage enrichment classes at our local church. We are so very excited about this new season in our life together! 

For the first couple of weeks, we are going to be reviewing the first few chapters of Genesis as an introduction to marriage. We'll be discussing God's plan for man, woman, and marriage and family life. We'll talk about what happened in the Garden all those years ago, and the patterns that are still visible in human relationships today. It's going to be so incredibly insightful. My husband has this knack for teaching the Word of God. I am so blessed to be able to stand beside him!

As a further introduction to having a fun and exciting, not to mention rewarding life of togetherness, we are going to be reading and participating in "The Marriage Project", written by author Kathi Lipp. I have to tell you now, we're in for some merriment along the way! Miss Kathi brings humor and creativity to all things relational between a husband and wife. I can't wait for date night! Not to mention buying new lingerie...hopefully my new membership to the gym will pay off in time for me to squeeze into it...

You can find a link to Kathi's website to the right of my post, along with the cover of this fantastic book. As my husband and I begin planning our projects out and doing them, I will begin posting insights and encouragement on my blog. I will also post a link to where you can buy "The Marriage Project" following this...

Short description of The Marriage Project

More love, more laughter -- more lingerie.

Was the last time you flirted with your husband before you had kids?

Do you spend more time on the couch with your wife watching movies or with a bag of chips watching The Game?

Does your idea of a hot date include a drive-thru and springing for the extra-large fries?

What would your marriage look like if for 21 days you put it on project status? Plenty of books describe how to improve a marriage, how to save a marriage, and how to ramp up the intimacy in a marriage. In The Marriage Project, Kathi Lipp shows you how to put the fun back in marriage with 21 simple yet effective projects.

Here are just a few of the results you’ll see when you put The Marriage Project into practice:
- new levels of warmth and tenderness in your relationship
- a deeper sense of security with your spouse
- new ideas to bring fun and flirting back into your marriage

If you haven't given up on the dream of being head-over-heels with your spouse again, The Marriage Project will give you just the boost you need.

Where to get your own copy of "The Marriage Project":

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a very cool thing!!!

    Also, wanted to let you know I'm passing on the Sunshine Award and the Beautiful Blogger Award on to YOU! Check it out here:



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