Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Getting to Know You - Week One

I'd like to take a few months to get to know you, my readers, better. Some of you are friends, some are family, and some are web-friends from across the world. All of you are blessings to me, and I appreciate the time you spend with me via my blog posts each week.

For the next nine weeks, on Wednesdays, I'll post something about myself and look forward to hearing about you via responses in the comments. Hopefully, we'll learn a bit more about each other and maybe make some new friends, as well.

So, for week one:

How do you identify yourself?

Me, Writing at my Computer with Coffee at Hand (from behind)
Here's my answer:
I'm first and foremost a daughter of the King. Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and He is my First Love. After that, I'm a wife, a mother, a step-mom (he's all grown up now, though), a minister, a pet lover, a homeschool teacher to two of my four children, a writer, an editor, an encourager of women, a reader, a chocolate- and coffee-holic, and a wanna-be photographer.

There are many, many more hats I wear. But these are a few of them.

So, how do you identify yourself? I look forward to hearing your thoughts! :) Please feel free to reply to one another's comments. Let's get to know each other.


  1. Too much fun, Alycia. Personally, of course I'm chosen & holy & dearly loved by the God of Creation. But I like my disqus profile: Christian writer, speaker, lover of gadgets & coffee

    That pretty much sums it up :)
    I'll look forward to meeting some of your other friends!

    1. What Susan didn't mention is that she's also a prayer warrior. ;) And she's certainly not the SPAM my comment catcher was trying to make her out to be...

  2. Let's see... I'm a talker, a joy-bringer, a goof-ball, a mom of 4, a reader, a dog-lover, and someone whose looking for what God's doing that's amazing every day of my life.

    1. Laurie,
      You forgot to mention an awesome friend and encourager of others! :) I love that you mention being a goof-ball.

  3. In some ways, my list reflects a bit of yours, Alycia.

    I have to first recognized that I'm His, saved by grace and the gift of God through Jesus Christ. I'm on a journey to become more like Him. I like to view Him as the Potter, myself the clay. After that I'm a wife, Mama, homeschool teacher, housekeeper, part-time laborer, keyboardist, background vocalist, Sunday School worker, quilter, handbag maker, crafter, blogger, and hopefully a servant. I love coffee too...and I enjoy taking photos.=)

    See, we have a lot in common.

    1. We do, Anita! For those checking in on the comments, she makes incredible handbags. I have a couple and will be needing a new one soon... ;) She's also sweet-natured with a giant heart for others. And another of my incredible friends. Who I hope to meet one day soon, so we can drink coffee and take pictures together.

  4. Hey Alycia,

    Let's see, what hats do I wear? Daughter of God, wife, mom, sister, sister-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, friend, homeschooler, writer, photographer, a mess, and choca-holic who's a bit of a chocolate snob....the darker, the better.

    Love your pic! ;)

    Great question. Have a great day!



Thanks for sharing your thoughts here at My Thoughtful Spot! I love hearing them!