Monday, January 27, 2014

{Minute Meditation} Water Balloons at Work?

She has done what she could (Mark 14:8). A friend of mine pointed out this verse a few months ago, and I have embraced it as my own ever since. I tend to get busy with life and then find myself disappointed because my to-do list sits half checked off. I pine over the things I wanted to do but couldn't squeeze in as life threw water balloons at my work party. I wish time could extend or I could warp back in time and do things differently.

What on your to-do list has been pushed aside or left undone this winter? Have things slowed down for you, too? Do you find yourself moving through this season at a turtle's pace?

Here are some water balloons that have come my way:

My good intention of starting a new blog in 2014. God redirected my attentions and reminded me I already have a platform for that particular ministry. It's called Inspire a Fire. So now I have to refocus my thoughts and schedule myself to post on a site I already run.

Moving. Yes, you heard me. Moving. Again. This will be the third time within a twelve-month period. Which has put a wrench in a lot of things. Not stopping them. Just slowing them down a bit. Because now I have to pack again. And take a few days off to make the move again. And then unpack again. Thankfully I've mastered the art of spacial concepts. I am now a super packer. (And a super thrower awayer.)

Sickness. That nasty flu bug fell in love with me this week. Although I want to break up with the flu, it's nasty mucus is clinging for dear life. All but one of my children has had at least a mild amount of symptoms. Some more than others. Thankfully, it's on its way out.

Plans change all the time. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The question remains: how do we handle the water balloons? Do we dive for cover and pray they don't drench us? Do we stand firm and allow them to water us? Do we fall to our knees as they break against us? Or do we allow God to guide us to safety?

Maybe the water balloon of an interruption to life is actually God trying to get through. Like with my website plans. Maybe it's a road that will bring us closer to a dream fulfilled, like this next move (which is bringing me closer to my writing core of friends). Maybe it's a call to rest and soak in His Word, like an illness.

Whatever your water balloon is today, take a moment to stop and consider if God could be in the midst of it.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying for you Alycia. When our bodies are sick or in pain, nothing goes as planned.
    Thank you for this verse too. My word for 2014 is Focus... the Lord has been showing me I'm too scattered; need to hone in on my goals.


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