Friday, October 19, 2012

Cultivate Your Garden

I recently returned from a women's conference, where the theme was "Walking in the Garden in the Cool of the Day."

One thing I considered is what my garden looks like. I'd never thought of a garden as my place to get alone with God to pray. I'd always imagined going to a quiet place of solitude, like a closet (or a shower).

Another think I've been considering since returning is Isaiah 61:11. It jumped off the page when I read it the other night.

The garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth. When I am in my garden, praying, spending time with Jesus, I am sowing life with my prayers. I am rooting out all those pesky weeds of life and making room for new life to grow. I am planting those things I dream of, those things I know I'm called to do in life, those things I want to see in my husband's or my children's lives. God will cause His righteousness to spring forth in those things in the right season. And I will sing His praises to the nations.

What do you see in this verse? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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