Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Time for a Personal Get-away

Women are busy today. It doesn't matter if you are a stay-at-home mother trying to raise your children, a working mother trying to help provide for your family while raising your children, a single mother trying to do it alone, a married woman trying to feed your husband while dealing with the responsibilities of life, or a single woman who's trying to keep all of her plates spinning. Whatever type of woman you are, I'd like to encourage you today to make sure you stop every once in a while and take time for yourself. Refresh your soul. Give your brain a break. Spend some time nurturing your relationship with God. Spend some time away from everyday life. Take some time out for yourself. Avoid burnout.

This week, I'm at a writer's conference in New Mexico. Although I'm here to study, learn, and do some work, it's a break from everyday life. I'm in a setting I've never been in before. I'm socializing with friends I only see one to four times a year. I'm with like-minded creative people, which rejuvenates my soul. I can get away for time alone with God, with no interruptions. I can focus, because my children are not here to ask for something every five minutes. I get outside a lot, breathing in fresh, mountain-in-the-desert air. I can stop for five minutes to take pictures of God's glory in the fall-colored trees. It's refreshing. It's time for me. It's a week of excitement and wonder.

So when I have to face everyday life again, I won't burn out. I won't look at my kids and want to scream. I won't lose my patience every 30 minutes. I won't want to lie down and never get up again. I won't wish I had more time to...

God worked for six days, and then He rested. He understood the need to take a break. He understood that we would be more productive if we'd take the time to rest. I encourage you today, take time for yourself once a year. You may not need to spend hundreds or a thousand dollars to treat yourself to a get-away. You may only need a weekend at a local hotel. You may only need to spend the weekend at a best friend's house. Whatever your need is, don't be afraid to tell the world, "Hey. I've worked hard and long enough. I need some time to myself. I need to breathe." It's okay. God did it. So can you! 

Have you taken a break lately? Where did you go? I'm in New Mexico. The Land of Enchantment...

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