Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How Much Does God Love You?

It's Christmas morning, and the children tear into their presents. Everyone gleefully runs to various stations in the house, dumping their goods before them, ready to play.

Much to his dismay, my middle son discovers he is missing a packet of Legos needed to build his new Frigate. After he's dumped packets two through six onto the tabletop. Mommy that I am, I heroically repackage the Legos, grab my car keys, and head off to Walmart with the intent to make his day and exchange for a new set.

Alas, Walmart is closed for the holiday. I thank God that stores in the South are family-driven rather than finance-driven and have given their employees the day to be with their families and celebrate my Savior's birth.

Caleb cries when I reveal that he will need to wait one more day to build with his Legos. Numerous times I hear, "I'm bored. I have nothing to do. Why can't you take it someplace else and get the new set?" I try hard to soothe frayed nerves and promise to make the exchange first thing the day after Christmas.

True to my promise, I head off to Walmart this morning. First thing. Before coffee. Before breakfast. On my way out the door, hubby calls out, "Bring home some food too!" We've run out of cereal, milk, sandwich meats, and some other items. I consider our bank account, which has money in it but checks written against the funds. Maybe they won't clear until Friday. I hate doing that, Lord.

I have been young, and now am old;
Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,
Nor his descendants begging bread.

He is ever merciful, and lends;
And his descendants are blessed.

~ Psalm 37:25-26

I step out the front door into the pouring rain. Lord, I'm so sick of the rain. I miss the sunshine.

Twenty minutes later, I stand before the customer service representative, mouth agape. "Really?"

"Yes. They always mark them down after the holidays. You're getting a refund."

The store had marked the Lego set down 50 percent. I testify to five women. "God loves me."

The refund gave me just enough money to purchase the food I'd planned to buy.

I smile as I shop, and my cashier is the one woman who smiled when I testified of God's goodness. She acknowledges the blessing once again.

As I step out of the store, the sun beams down from heaven. God smiles upon me once more.

How much does God love you? Think of the little ways He shows His love in your life. One friend survived a tornado this Christmas. One has won a court battle. One has welcomed a baby into their arms. My son has seen how God works even in the disappointments of the day.

Thank You, Lord, for Your provision. Thank You for having a perfect plan, even in the midst of the disappointments of life. Thank You for caring enough for me to send Your only begotten Son to bring salvation. I love You, Lord and will continue to do so in the midst of all of my circumstances. In Jesus' name, Amen.


  1. What an encouraging story! Thank you for sharing it with us. Yes, God does love you. :-)

  2. He loves me very much and tickles me by answering my prayers and photography prayers as well. On Christmas Day, I received one of my favorite presents....getting to photograph a Snowy Owl on St. Simons Island, Georgia. The owl was far from home, but my God is always near listening to my prayers:) Happy New Year to you and your family!!!!

  3. Oh, I LOVE that, Alycia! What a great story of God's perfect timing... that the amount of the refund would cover the groceries, but only if you were at the store for the after-Christmas markdown. He is so sweet to us with those moments!! Yesterday we had a day like that. Nothing momentous, simply a peaceful dinner hour and my hubby taking over bedtime duties and moments to read a new book I've been looking forward to... that they all happened in one day was such a gift!


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