Have you ever had one of those days/weeks/months/years where the little things in life drain you, leaving you feeling like a flat tire with nothing left to go on?
I can relate. It's been one of those weeks. In the process of it all, I've been fighting frustration, anxiety and the urge to either scream or cry. I haven't fully relied on God's strength to hold me up. I don't face the new day with abandon, trusting God to supply all of my needs and the needs of my children. I fall very short of the mark before me as I cling to the strands of my own efforts and plans.
BUT GOD. He is so gracious. He wakes me each morning and brings comfort and peace through His words. They wash over me like rivers of living water.
"Children of men put their trust under My almighty wings." Protective wings. Sheltering wings. Wings that can take me anywhere God wants me to go or I want to go with God.
"My children are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of My house." Abundance. Satisfaction. Fullness. Lacking nothing that I truly NEED. Because God provides for me and my household straight from the wealth of His household.
"I give My children drink from the river of My pleasures." I drink from the things that delight the Lord. When my focus is heavenward, when I choose not to see the earthly things around me, God is delighted. I can drink from His pleasures. There is joy in knowing Him and in loving others and in walking in forgiveness.
"The fountain of life is with Me." The earthly things don't give me life. My life flows from Him. He is life. In Him, I have life. Revive me, oh Lord.
"You will see light when you look to Me." He is the light at the end of my tunnel. When I turn to look at the true Light, all of the darkness fades away to nothingness. I am comforted and revived. I can face the new day with life in my spirit. Because Jesus is my Everything.
In chapter six of her book, Everything, Mary DeMuth puts it this way:
"The truth: God puts us through more than we can bear.Where are you in your circumstances? Are you resilient and living joyfully in the moment? Or are you like me, still gaining that resilience?
He does.
Because after we journey through those places, we learn resilience. And that resilience brings the ability to joyfully live in the moment despite our circumstances--a holy paradox."
Until then, I will be meditating on Psalm 36:7-9. I will be letting God's truth concerning His children sink deep into my spirit until it flows as living waters within.

As a member of Mary DeMuth's launch team, I've been honored to read her incredible book, Everything, before its release. I have been and will continue to be "Blogging Through the Book" as I read it. Mary's words are inspiring and honest, and she brings so much light to God's word as she's transparent about her experiences as a Christian who has made Jesus her Everything. If you'd like to sample Everything before it's release, you can download a few chapters here for FREE. I highly encourage you to do so. You won't be disappointed, and you may find yourself transformed.
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