Friday, July 27, 2012

Thoughtful Words - Controversial Words

We interrupt this blog sequence to bring you...CONTROVERSIAL WORDS.

If you've been following the news, then you've probably heard that Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy stirred up a whole mess of attention when he declared his belief in the biblical definition of the family unit, including marriage between one man and one woman.

It's amazing to me how the press and non-Christians attack Christians when we publicly state our belief in God and His plan for humanity. Apparently, they can attack our beliefs at any point in time, but we are not allowed to denounce homosexuality or other life choices without a riot in return.

For example, in one report, a new Chick-fil-A store prepared for opening day. Supporters of the food chain camped out overnight, anxious to be there when the doors opened. Before they could think of entering the store, they were asked to leave, because a LGBT support group planned to boycott the company. Show me, please, where this represents equal rights.

Non-Christians can, apparently, cut to the front of the protest line while we Christians wait in the wings for our turn to support a company whose founding father's morals reflect our own. They can say what they wish about us, claiming we're anti-equality, but their actions speak so much louder than their words. Apparently they feel they should have their rights before we get ours. Otherwise, they would move aside and let us eat where we choose.

Other reports show opposition to the new building sites for Chick-fil-A restaurants. "We won't let them build in our cities," claim some governors. "Their belief system doesn't reflect the belief system of our cities." My logical brain says, How do you know that there aren't Christian people in your city who would like to eat at Chick-fil-A and have every right to do so? You'll ban a restaurant chain because their CEO believes in a Holy God who created the covenant of marriage? But you'll allow a LGBT business owner to run their store? Show me the equality in that.

Here's the difference between Christian controversial words and non-Christian controversial words: We still love the people who hate us.

I have a friend who is very dear to my heart. Guess what? He's gay. I did not know this growing up. When, as an adult, I found out, I asked him questions about his choice of sexual orientation. I wanted to know more about how he thinks and how he feels. I offered him the biblical truth I have come to know and believe. I didn't tell him this to say, "You're wrong. I'm right." I shared it with him to let him know where I stand on the choice and to encourage him to think about it. He didn't take it that way. He unfriended me on Facebook and hasn't made contact since I offered him my perspective.

No let's agree to disagree. No friendly response that he didn't share my belief, so how are the kids. Disconnect. Silence.

Do I hate him because he's a homosexual? No. He's always been a close friend, and I still consider him so, despite his disconnect from our relationship. I will always love him as such. Do I agree with his lifestyle choice? No. Do I have to? No. In Christianese, this is loving the sinner but hating the sin.

I'd like to know how someone can call Christians bigots and intolerant for standing for their beliefs when the same so firmly stands for their own.
Bigot - n -  a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance      
Controversial words have been part of human history for centuries. Jesus suffered crucifixion at the hands of those who found His words and beliefs controversial to their own. Of course, we who believe know that ultimately, this wasn't the final plan for His death. God had His own plan, that we might have life through Jesus' death.

So as controversial words continue to air, we should prepare ourselves with an answer to those who question our faith.
"Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one." - Colossians 4:5-6
"Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences." -      2 Corinthians 5:9-11

Photo Copyright 2009 Victor H. Morales


  1. Thanks for sharing, Alycia. It's a sensitive issue, but if someone is going to be offended by what I believe and say, I don't want it to be God.

    Hugs on a great post :)

    1. Susan,
      I agree. God is going to judge me one day, so I want my words and my actions to reflect my love for Him. I am not so worried about what man thinks of me as I am what He thinks of me. I hope I glorify Him in these things. Whether someone else likes it or not.

  2. Alycia, I'm still reeling over this.

    But one thing I am thankful for. My sister who died in 2009 was openly gay. We loved her and her friends, they were welcomed in our homes and were always included in family gatherings.

    We had very civil and loving conversations through the years about her homosexuality and why/where God's word said it is wrong. But those same conversations confessed my sins to her as well, including gossip, pride, and selfish motives.

    One thing I know: She knew she was loved, even when we didn't agree. She could see that even though our views were totally opposite, she could also see that did not mean we hated her.

    It meant the exact opposite.

    And that--not tolerance in the face of continued, unconfessed sin--is real love.

    1. Vonda,

      Thank you for sharing your testimony, as well. I appreciate knowing that. It's great that she understood that y'all loved her. I thought my friend would understand that I loved him, but I guess he didn't want to hear it.

      I also tried pointing out that I have my own sins. Because none of is perfect. Only Jesus was born without sin. And that it's our choice to pursue a life of sin or free of sin. We all make our choices. But, ultimately, we'll face God for judgement one day. Then we'll know.


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