Monday, July 12, 2010

A Method on Monday

I received a wonderful compliment from a reader today! She said that she loves my blog, and she asked how I set up my tabs that run along the top of my blog, introducing y'all to my writing and my husband's and my ministry. 

Blogger has this cool new feature called "Pages," which we can use to introduce our readers to ourselves, display information, etc. They can be viewed by tabs on the top of our blog page, like mine are. Or, they can be viewed in a side column, like most of my other information is. 

To set up a page, simply click on the "Edit Pages" link under your Blogger Posting Tab. It can be found next to the "Edit Posts" link. When you click on Edit Pages, it will give you the option to set up a new page. It's as simple as setting up a new blog post! I love how easy Blogger has made it for me! 

If you still have questions, check out the information provided here:

I hope that this information was helpful! Have you seen the new options for page templates, too? Mine is designed from one of them. I love it! I'm always looking for ways to make my blog more visually pleasing. How about you? 
And thank you for continuing to read my posts! You're the best!


  1. Thanks Alycia!! I have been wanting to put tabs on my blog, but haven't taken the time to figure out the new "cool tools"! Go to my blog and sign up for my give away if you are interested at

  2. Thanks, Renee! I'm so glad it helped.

  3. I have to favorite this and come back later...I need to do this to my blog...but not tonight. =) Thanks for the help Alicia!


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