Friday, May 6, 2011

Proverbs 29 - Can I Have it Back?

"A fool vents all his feelings,
But a wise man holds them back."
- Proverbs 29:11

I'd done it again. My husband walked away with a dejected look on his face. I'd ranted until I had nothing left to say. 

I felt like a fool. An idiot, I'd call myself. 

My day with the kids had been a long one. I tired of bending over and picking up Legos after stepping on them with my bare feet. I wearied of breaking up arguments over who knew more than the other. I wanted to sit and do nothing, but no one seemed to care. So I spouted off. Eventually, I made an accusation. "Why can't you deal with them for a while?" And the rant went on from there.

Too often spouses take out life's issues on their mate, firing off every buried feeling they've suppressed like a cork pops from a shaken champagne bottle. The explosion eventually fizzles until there's nothing left but a flatness. The spark is gone. 

A wife can walk in wisdom, avoiding these outbursts of wrath. I know. I've learned to curb that desire to react to my husband's rants, as well as my own. I learned to take it to God.

Too often we want to find our best friend or mother and spill out all of the emotions that have surfaced after a disagreement with our spouse. Or we want to throw accusations back at the one we're arguing with. Neither of these will do any good, and afterward we'll be looking to take back those spiteful words. Or we'll regret that we've divulged something personal to another.

Instead of looking foolish, I take it to God first. If I'm still discontent after spouting off to the One who knows my heart's deepest points, then I seek the counsel of my pastor's wife. I don't take it to my mother. I don't go argue with my husband again. I don't dump it on my best friend. I seek godly counsel and wisdom. And I follow it up with the Word of God. 

Don't be foolish. Don't wear your emotions on your sleeve. Take it to God first. More often than not, He'll resolve your heart's issue in an instant.

Photo Courtesy of Yamamoto Ortiz


  1. Speaking directly to me on this one. Thank you I needed to hear it.

  2. You're welcome, Alisa! Praise God!

  3. More often than not, He'll resolve your heart's issue in an instant.

    Isn't this true...sometimes I find resolution, not always. I think it is important to talk when you're not in a heated state...sometimes the things you have to say do is how you say them that makes the world of difference.


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